Welcome to
FSC Utilities Plugin
This instruction manual will help you get started with the basic features
that the application has to offer.
Updated to version 6.2.7a
Published in Feb-2020.
Copyright © 2019-2020 Thien Nguyen
I. Introduction
FSC Utilities Plugin, hereafter referred to as “application“ or “FUP” for short, is an input
assistance software used together with FSC Rater.
II. Main features
One click to login FSC Rater
One clicks to transfer mileage value
to FSC Rater and vice versa
Vehicle/Driver assignment
Data stored in multiples
profiles for different uses
Quick Input assistance
for full names, phone#, license state...
FSC Utilities Plugin
III. User Interface
1. Main window Tab Mileage
Open Profile Manager
Select profile to use
Load selected profile
Create new profile
Input field stored mileage values for 6 drivers
and 02 extra presets in the current selected profile.
Minimum mileage is optional and used only when
transferring mileage values from FSC Rater to FUP,
whichever is higher.
Minimized to tray
The value remains unchanged unless freezing is disabled.
Load default
Clear mileage
Paste & Convert
Clear clipboard
III. User Interface
2. Main window Tab Tools
Enable to login FSC Rater by one click.
Click Update username/password to configure login information
By default, all input assistance features are enable.
III. User Interface
3. Main window Tab Settings
Enable to display a small floating window
on the left corner of the screen when the
main windows is minimized or closed.
You are recommended the first option to make sure the application gets
updated whenever there is an update available.
Check for updates manually
III. User Interface
4. Main window Tab About
Application installed version
Change log is always useful for tracking new
features and fixed issued in each version.
III. User Interface
5. Profile Manager
To open Profile Manager, open main window, click [Manage…] on tab Mileage
Create a new profile
Rename the selected profile
Delete all profile
Delete the selected profile
Close Profile Manager
III. User Interface
6. Tray icon
The application icon is placed in the system tray when the main window is minimized or closed
Click to show main window or right-click to show context menu
IV. Quick start guide
What is a profile?
Generally, profile is a space or memory used to store specific data or information.
In FUP, a profile is used to store a set of mileages and the application do not have
the limitation on the number of profiles that can be created.
Each profile contains a set of mileages (06 drivers, extra 02 presets and a
minimum mileage). Each one couples together a pair of values, which is one-way
miles and annual mileage.
While mileage data of drivers and presets can be transferred from the application
to FSC Rater, the MIN value cannot.
MIN mileage is only used as a comparison value when you send the mileage to
the application, whichever is higher is selected.
IV. Quick start guide
How to create a new profile?
Click the “New” button on main tab
Enter your desired profile name
Click the “OK” button
(*) You can also create new profile in Profile Manager
IV. Quick start guide
How to input mileages to a Profile?
Load an existing profile first or create a new one
Transfer mileage for each driver directly from FSC rater or input manually.
Remember to save your profile, otherwise changes will be lost.
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
IV. Quick start guide
How to import mileages of a driver directly from FSC Rater?
Open your quote in FSC Rater, then change to Vehicle View.
Make sure that you have entered the correct One Way Miles and Annual Mileage for each driver.
(*) Hold Shift key and click on a driver to import one way miles and annual mileage of that driver.
Repeat (*) to import mileages for other drivers.
Note: The mileage will be compared to the MIN value, whichever is higher is imported. In case you
want to skip the comparison and get the exact mileages, hold [Control + Shift] key instead of Shift key.
IV. Quick start guide
How to transfer mileages to FSC Rater?
Select the profile that you
want to use.
Hold Ctrl key and Click on
the vehicle. (*)
The mileages of the driver
assigned to that vehicle will
be transferred to FSC Rater.
Repeat (*) for other drivers.
Important note:
The application can link and identify which driver is assigned to each vehicle in order to match and
transfer the correct mileages. If you change the driver/vehicle assignment in FSC Rater, repeat the
steps above to update the new mileages.
IV. Quick start guide
How to save a default set of mileages for all drivers?
Save as defaults (drivers only)
Input the mileages that you want
to save as default set.
Click the down arrow to the
right of the button
Select the “Save as default
command on the context menu.
Load default (drivers only)
.Simply click on the
button to load the default set
mileages to currently selected
IV. Quick start guide
How to copy and paste drivers’ mileages from one profile to another one?
Choose a profile as source or you can
input the mileages on the current profile.
Click on Copy button
Choose destination profile
Click on Paste button if you want to copy
the original mileage from the source.
Select Paste & Convert button if you need a
comparison between source mileages and min
to get the higher value (mostly). This is useful
in case of different minimum mileage.
Remember to save the final result.
IV. Quick start guide
How to manage profiles with Profile Manager
With Profile Manager, you can create new profile, rename or delete
the existing one.
Create new profile
Click the “Create” button
Enter your desired profile name in the dialog box.
Click the “OK” button to finish
IV. Quick start guide
How to manage profiles with Profile Manager
With Profile Manager, you can create new profile, rename or delete
the existing one.
Change profile name
Select the profile you want to change its name;
Click the “Rename” button;
Enter new name on the dialog box;
Click the “OK” button to save.
IV. Quick start guide
How to manage profiles with Profile Manager
With Profile Manager, you can create new profile, rename or delete
the existing one.
Remove a profile
Select the profile that you want to remove;
Click the “Delete” button;
Response yes to confirm delete.
IV. Quick start guide
How to manage profiles with Profile Manager
With Profile Manager, you can create new profile, rename or delete
the existing one.
Delete all existing profiles
Click the “Delete” button;
Response yes to confirm delete.
- There must be at least one profile for the
application to function.
- If there is no profile available, the application
automatically creates one by default.
IV. Quick start guide
How to log me in FSC Rater automatically
To use this feature, you have to enable it first: on the Toolstab, check Enable at
the “Automatically login FSC” option and provide your login information;
From now, whenever you open FSC Rater, simply click on the login box to fill the
login information.
- To toggle this feature
immediately, hold shift
and click on the login box.
- Make sure your login
information is correct.
IV. Quick start guide
How to fill a full name which is separated into First/Middle/Last name
This is an input assistance features which is
enabled by default. To disable it, unchecked the
option “Ctrl + R to fill First| Middle| Last name”
under the “Tools” tab
How to fill a full name in FSC
Select and copy the full name to clipboard;
Set focus to the first name textbox in FSC Rater;
Press Ctrl + R to fill
IV. Quick start guide
How to fill a phone number which is separated into multiple textboxes?
This is also an input assistance features which
is enabled by default. To disable it, unchecked
the option “Ctrl + E to Phone number” under
the “Tools” tab.
How to fill a phone number
Select and copy the phone number to clipboard;
Set focus to the first textbox in FSC Rater;
Press Ctrl + E to fill
IV. Quick start guide
How to fill licensed state code automatically by triggering Ctrl + V?
FSC Rater has no default licensed state code (E.g.
CA for California) and user has to input it manually.
With FUP, you do not need to input it. When the
driver license is pasted by Ctrl + V in the license
number textbox, the license state code is filled
In some cases of other state driver license, you can use Shift +
Insert to paste the data to skip filling automatically.
To disable this feature, go to the “Tools” tab and uncheck the option
“Fill license state with CAunder Input Assistance option group
Ctrl + V to
paste license#
IV. Quick start guide
How to select commute usage for vehicles?
FSC Rater has no default usage for all vehicles.
Therefore, the application has an option to
always select the Commute usage whenever
user transfer mileage to FSC Rater.
When the mileages is passed to
FSC Rater, it will trigger the
Commute usage automatically
V. Useful tips
Shortcut keys in Main window
V. Useful tips
Shortcut key to transferred mileage from FSC Rater to FUP
Ctrl + Fn to transfer the One Way miles & Annual Mileage from FSC Rater to
Driver n of the current profile. Fn varies from F1 to F6
- FUP will compare the mileage to
the MIN value and get the higher
For example
FSC Rater MIN Result
15/14,000 01/12,000 15/14,000
6/11,0000 01/12,000 06/12,000
- Use Ctrl key instead of Shift key to
ignore the min value and transfers
the exact mileages.
V. Useful tips
Shortcut key to transferred mileage from FUP to FSC Rater
Press Fn to transfer the One Way miles & Annual Mileage Driver n of the
current profile to FSC Rater. Fn varies from F1 to F6 (driver 1 to driver 6).
When F3 key is pressed, FUP
will transfer the mileage of
Driver 3 to FSC Rater.
- If you use shortcut key to transfer data from FUP to
FSC Rater and vice versa, the driver depends on which
key is pressed. (E.g. F1 for driver 1, F2 for Driver 2, …) -
- It is recommend to use mouse click triggering
method that has been introduced in previous slides.
V. Useful tips
Use the mileage floating window
A small floating window will be activated on the
left corner of the screen when the main window
is minimized or closed.
It is useful for user to keep track of the current
profile and its mileages of 06 drivers
Any changes of mileages are updated instantly.
Change profile
Useful short keys
VI. Credits
Author: William Thien Nguyen
Special thanks to chị Kelly Le and all members of the Vietnam Personal Lines team
for giving feedbacks.
Thank you for using this application
Published in Feb-2020.
Copyright © 2019-2020 Thien Nguyen